I’m Fine


How often have women said those iconic words:

“I’m Fine!”


Why? Why do we say we’re fine when we don’t mean it?


Or are you one of the rare ones who doesn’t say it, even if you say you don’t say it, or you do say it but won’t admit to saying it?



pINK quote, i'M FINE Blog MelAROWE.com

Image courtesy of http://www.handbagsandhandguns.com


So why do we say, “I’m fine?


Is it because we don’t want to talk about it?


Is it because we don’t want loved ones to worry about us?


Or we don’t want the confrontation where issue avoidance is best?


Or you just say it to allow for time to digest what had just happened in your life to blink a hundred times and have the heart pitter-patter while you’re holding your breath? Do you roll your eyes, or try to blink back the tears, sigh, look away, shrug shoulders and say, I’m fine…


I'm fine quotes 1 Avoiding the Pity Party, MelAROWE.com


It’s considered the universal red flag and the most used white lie that contains two words:  “I’m Fine.”


Are they really fine?


Do you or have you used it? I have.




It’s the equivalent of saying ‘You’re okay’ when you’re not.

I’m not here to offer a crystal-ball-solution, but hopefully, encourage a conversation when you hear the words ‘I’m fine’.


In AVOIDING THE PITY PARTY, the heroine, Deanne,  says she’s fine constantly. Even though she is considering tattooing those famous two words across her forehead, shows she’s not fine. Why? Because she’d humiliated herself at her own wedding!!

Yep. She did.


I'm fine quotes 2 Avoiding the Pity Party, MelAROWE.com


Going through a break up is tough, hell even, and some days so is life.


Going through a change in lifestyle, like the heroine, Jesscia, in WINTER’S WALK, having people ask her is she’s fine… ALL. THE. TIME…irritates her.


But is it her pride stopping her from accepting help too?


Winter's Walk quote Pin 7


Let’s redefine the question for a better response…

Have you ever heard of RUOK day?


It’s about promoting the simplicity of asking that simple question to someone who says they’re fine or okay but might not be. The RUOK day is usually held in September to promote awareness of this type of situation.


It encourages you to ask…


“Are you really fine?”


Because the simplicity of a conversation can make a difference and we all have our own story to tell.


If only someone would listen.


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**All still images relating to this post’s topic are via the talented & fabulous photographers at https://unsplash.com/  Thanks guys.

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