You know how you plod along with your day, head down with blinkers on, oblivious to the world as you try to keep that focus on the many tasks on your To-do list?
You’re blending brilliantly in public as you stand in line for a cup of coffee at your favourite cafe, mindlessly scrolling through your phone’s notifications.
When you happen to see your name… and pause.
Why is my name there?
Your eyes bulge.
Then they narrow in as you re-read the fine print so fast that you discover you have the superpowers of a supersonic speed-reader!
You tilt your head to the side while taking that calm step forward in the line as you get closer to grabbing that coffee, and you re-read it all again slooooooowly.
Word by Word.
Dissecting every tiny delicious adjective and all those other fancy-pant’s terms they use for GRAMMAR.
And as it sinks in, a warm rushing swirl rises in your chest and an overwhelming aura of happiness washes over you that you just wanna shout and dance and hug that sexy-barista you’ve been eyeing off since the day he’d started—coz now you have that excuse to do so.
Well, that was me.
When I got to see…
(*inserts drumroll)
My latest release had made THE LIST!
(Thank you, guardian angel.)
And didn’t my new novel, DIAMOND IN THE DUST, get to rub shoulders with some seriously talented Australian Authors.
Go on, find out what all the fuss is about.
I know you want to.
**All still images relating to this post’s topic are via the talented & fabulous photographers at https://unsplash.com/ Thanks guys.
Sue Legg
You are so worthy of being in the top five. Love your blog, pretty feminine colours & outrageously funny clips do actually combine brilliantly!
THANK YOU so much for your kind words and for deciding to stick around by following my blog, Sue. It means a lot to me, so there’s a huuuuuge (non-creepy) cyberhug coming your way. Thank you again, Mel.