15 Random Things About Snow Globes

Most of us picture magical transparent glass spheres of a frozen Christmas scene that conjures up fairytale childhood dreams.  So, here are fifteen random things about snow globes you may not know…




15 random things about snow globes:


1/-Snow globes were invented by a man trying to improve the brightness of the lightbulb for a doctor who needed better light to perform surgery, so the guy did some trials and while using baby food and water it gave him the idea for the first snow globe.



2/-Snow globes soon became tools for advertising or the preferred gifts to children by the church.



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3/-Snow globes made tourist places famous, from the Eiffel tower to Bob’s Beach Shack.



4/-There’s no business like snow business when top global designers, like Karl Lagerfeld, designed his own snow globe that turned the humble glittery snow globe into high-end art.



5/-For those with plenty of snow in the bank, you can get a snow globe made with diamond snow for about $5K to make into a family heirloom or for that someone who has everything.



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6/-Some early snow globe domes were made from crystal.


7/-Stirring up the magic are the Disney snow globes, considered the most collectible, with prices reaching up to $4000+


8/-Bambi snow globes were their first of many designed and sold by Disney.


9/-It’s claimed Ginger Rogers made Snow globes a famous fashion trend in the1940s movie Kitty Foyle, subtitled The Natural History of a Woman.


10/-The Orson Welle’s classic movie, Citizen Kane, holds the most famous scene for smashing a snow globe.





11/-The most violent smashing of a snow globe on the small screen goes to Sons of Anarchy (season 5, episode 6) voted as one of the top 5 best moments in the series – you’ll never look at a snow globe the same again.



12/-To really shake it down, there is a snow globe festival that has nothing to do with snow globes but music. Run my MTV its held over three days in Lake Tahoe in the lead to New Year’s Eve.


13/-To dream of a snow globe in a dream is said to give you a pleasant feeling for something you’re about to finish. OR you’re procrastinating too much.



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14/-Certain countries will not allow snow globes to be posted due to the threat of the contents freezing, making the glass expand and break.



15/-Never drink the snow globe liquid no matter how thirsty you are as some are made with antifreeze.



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There’s a number 16…


16/- Courtesy of our heroine in CAKED IN DUST it’s the closest we get to snow in the outback through her snow globe collection – that is a story within a story, kind of like a snow globe effect.


But, to just pick up a snow globe it instantly beckons you to shake it, and in that one simple carefree childish moment of play, it usually makes us smile.





No matter what time of year, I think we all need a snow globe to shake in our busy days, don’t you think?


No wonder they make good paperweights.


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Mel A ROWE, chief procrastionator, author, blogger.

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**All still images relating to this post’s topic are via the talented & fabulous photographers at https://unsplash.com/  Thanks guys. 


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