Breakup Buddies

Let’s Talk About Friends…

Let’s talks about the friends you dance with while singing at the top of your voice. The one you may shop with, go on long drives with, the friends you share secrets with.

They’ll share their words of wisdom even when you don’t want to hear it, supporting you in the background and perhaps become part of your wedding…


girlfriends quote - Reese Witherspoon -

BFF’s Forever

They come in many shapes, sizes, and ages. And they may come in and out of your life through your various stages of growth. But when you catch up after a long absence, the conversation is picked up as if it was only yesterday.

You share that same sense of familiarity with the ever-lasting friendship, where they’ve been with you to celebrate your best moments. And most of all they’re there when you’re at your worst.

So here’s to friends, everywhere.

To those girlfriends who hold up their best friends in times of need.

And for just being there…

Greatest-girls-of-the-galaxy Avoiding the Pity Party quote

Bottling Up Friendships

But what if that best friend for that moment was a bottle?

You’ve just Broken-up from your partner. You’re devastated. Been publicly humiliated and want to hide in shame so you turn to the bottle.

Isn’t that something that happened to us as a baby? We’ve all seen it where a crying infant is instantly soothed when given a bottle.

So now you’re older, and when you’re hurting do you still reach for the milk products like ice cream or milk chocolate? Or do you claim a new BFF in the form of another bottle, not filled with milk but booze?

Ah, huh? And, for the record, I’m not judging.


Breakups Suck!

Come on, who hasn’t done it or witnessed this as part of the Break-up Blues Recovery Tour? 

I said it above and I’ll say it again, break-ups suck! During that time, we do craziest things.

Quote for the Breakup Buddies Blog


It’s the fuel for many stories. Like my character, Deanne, in AVOIDING THE PITY PARTY She avoids her friends after publicly breaking up with her fiance’ during their wedding. Then she has to recover. This is where the story begins and where humour mixes with heartbreak in the times shared with some fabulous friends who are there to help.

In UNPLANNED PARTY, the heroine, Emma, is also publicly humiliated and has the worst birthday possible only to discover her Parte’ Van is stolen. So, she does the next best thing and snatches up a bottle of wine to sit in the gutter and wait for the police. But she also has the support of some amazing (quirky) friends who support her in the best possible way.

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Sure, these stories start with the bad, along with the clutch at the bottle, but as they say with most break-ups or bad times we do they drink to forget. And we have friends there to help us get through it.

But with time the pain disappears and you shouldn’t go through it alone if you are suffering during this time, call someone, please.

Remember, it won’t be forever.

Break-up Buddies are there for the good and the bad, like in my stories, where characters endure personal struggles, but they also have their amazing friends to support them too.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to go hug my Break-up Bestie, just because I can.


Until Next Time, by Mel A ROWE

Mission Statement for Mel A ROWE

UNPLANNED PARTY, a novel by MEL A ROWE      APP upgrade 2019 PIN1

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**All still images relating to this post’s topic are via the talented & fabulous photographers at  Thanks guys. 

#Escape2HEA#AvoidingThePityParty  |  #UnPlannedParty#ElsieCREEK #ARTofDUST


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