The Local Lingo on—NT Bush

Lemme give you the lowdown on the Local Lingo…

In the Northern Territory, where we enjoy the warm weather (when it behaves), we also have a unique Tru-Blu Aussie twist to the language…

It’s those everyday local terms that somehow find their way into my stories.

Terms that are foreign to some of my readers.

And the fun part is, I get to interpret them like this month…


The Local Lingo on—NT Bush

This post is because I situate many of my international bestselling stories in the NT, Top End, Outback.

Where, you may be asking?

Sisters behaving badly in an iconic outback adventure you won't want to miss...


The Top End:

Is the top part of the Northern Territory from Katherine up to Darwin in the NT.

Yes, it’s where they set the movies Crocodile Dundee and Australia.

It’s also where Kakadu National Park lives.



This stands for Northern Territory, Australia.

NT also means to the locals: Not Today; Next Truck, Next Time, Next Tuesday, Next Train, Nice Try…


The Outback:

Is the infamous interior of Australia. But for us, it’s a common word for anywhere outside our backdoor, out the backyard, it’s just out back. And a lot of us have huge backyards, like in The Station – where it’s landmass is bigger than Greenland!


The Bush:

Not a bush, like a small tree. Well, yes, that too. But the term bush can also mean anywhere out of town that contains trees and bushes.



This is another word for bush, bushlands, scrublands.

Or to have a scrub, as in a bath.


A scrubber:

Someone who has been out scrub for too long, or someone who is really dirty.

And it’s also the terms for a kitchen hand whose job is to scrub the dishes.




Someone who cleans themselves to go out and party. You know, to shower and shave then do the dress, the hair, the nails… to not look like some feral bushie.


A Bushie (or Bushy);

Rumoured to come from bushrangers (highwayman, or an outlaw).

Also, for someone considered unrefined or uncultured, and for those who are a bit of a scrubber! For those who live off the grid out bush; and for those with a good working knowledge of the land like a bushman/ bush woman.

And it’s nothing to do with politicians or ex-presidents!


Bush Bash:

For off-road road trips, bashing your way through the bush or scrub to get to where you want to go, via car or foot-falcon (bushwalking). The bashing part is for scaring away snakes or to flush out goannas.

A bush bash can be an event for festivals for bush bands.

Also, a name for car races through the scrub like you’ll discover in CAKED IN DUST.




Bush Telegraph:

The gossip network and the name for lots of local newspapers

Or as demonstrated in The Station, Volume Two, how fast the bush telegraph can deliver the news to those living on a cattle station.


Bush Tellie:

Ah yes, the humble campfire set beneath the trillion stars in the outback skyline. Well, in the NT that is, as mentioned in DIAMOND IN THE DUST.

And that’s the fun of wordplay!

No doubt your region has its own unique interpretations for the above. If so, I’d love to read about them in the comments below?

Don’t’ forget, if you’ve read any slang terminologies within my stories you don’t understand, just email me.


blog outro Mel

Mel A ROWE, chief procrastionator, author, blogger.

The covers of the Elsie Creek Series all together


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#Escape2HEA – because everyone deserves to ESCAPE the drama in their day.



  1. Susan Legg

    Excellent explanations for everyone to understand the lingo of Aussies. And I have finally realised how to spell tru=blu. Yay!

    • Mel A ROWE

      I’m so glad you got something out of this. You’d be surprised how many of my reader’s ask these questions.
      Don’t be shy if you have anything you didn’t know.
      Thanks for reading, Sue.
      It’s appreciated.

  1. Romancing the Random Roadtrip ~ Mel A ROWE

    […] I know I’m lucky because, for me, that’s just out back. […]

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