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Breakup Blues - Mel A ROWE

Breakup Blues

Welcome to part II of the Breakup Blues & The Honeymoon of Hurt Recovery Tour!

I won’t go through all the various stages of the Breakup Blues, because there are many variables involved. Like,  it depends upon the individual and if you go through one, three, or reinvent thirteen levels of the process.

Everyone is different.

There is stage one – the shock factor, as I wrote about in Breakup Blues I, The Honeymoon of Hurt.

Then once you’ve gone through the denial stage you then suffer through the tears and tissues stage, or it’s the ice-cream and the booze stage, which is all purely optional.

BREAKUP quote - Chris Young -

Then there’s The Anger stage when plans for revenge creep in.

Or what I like to call:

The Kill Bill stage!

This is where you play the angry breakup songs.

The Ridding of the reminders stage…

Here, all those gifts, the cutesy-couple photos, and remaining belongings of the Ex are burnt or destroyed. You’ll delete all calendar reminders and block them from all of your social media accounts. All while you’re trying to erase the memories and their phone number forever.

Then you’re ready for the next part:


That moment you’re ready to move on with your re-found self-respect where you may rediscover all those hobbies you once loved and lost to rebegin a new project.

It’s also the time of change where some get a new haircut or certain tattoos are in desperate need of a touch-up.

Some opt for a career change or start a new course towards that new career. Like in Legally Blonde, when Elle goes to Harvard.

Or you can go on holiday and end up buying a broken down villa to repair in another country – like in Under a Tuscan Sun.

At this stage, you’ve survived, babe.

So why not shout it out!

Avoiding the Pity Party quote - surviving the art of betrayal -

Or you may find yourself stuck between stages in a state of depression. Here, every day stays the same and all you want to do is hide from the heartache. Find help if you can’t get out of this rut, please.

Maybe you’ve helped a friend during this time of the Breakup Blues. 

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This is what happens with Deanne Harrison in my novel Avoiding the Pity Party, making it a relatable story that most women will enjoy. You can collect your copy here.

  Until Next Time, by Mel A ROWE

Mission Statement for Mel A ROWE

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