Honeymoon Of Hurt

“Today had definitely topped the top ten most tortured moments of her life…” Avoiding the Pity Party

Your heart hurts. Your ribs and shoulders ache. Your nose is sore from tearing up tissues and your eyes are gritty. You can’t sleep. Can’t eat. And your throat hurts to swallow. The art of communication is gone in talking coherent sentences, and nothing makes sense in your day. All because that beautiful bond once shared with that special someone is broken, and life has changed overnight.

Welcome to…

The Honeymoon of Hurt.


It’s stage one of the ‘Breakup Blues’.

You either stay in bed or camp on the couch wearing the same clothes. Tissues are always at hand, drowning in your feelings. Your favourite stuffed toy or pillow is your huggable security blanket. The fridge is your latest friend of freakish finds to try to satisfy your swaying stomach.

The fridge is your latest friend of freakish finds… (Tweet this)

Do you phone a friend? Change your Facebook status? Do you choose to hide and make friends with the liquor cabinet? Do you watch chick-flicks while cradling empty ice-cream containers aiming for that brain freeze moment to cry past the pain?

Who hasn’t been there?

cradling empty ice-cream containers aiming for that brain freeze moment 

(Tweet this)

Honeymoon quote - Rose Leslie - MelAROWE.com

It’s like a death in the family, and there is no way to Avoid the Pity Party.

For some, when that relationship of romance is over, they’re relieved.

But most grieve.

We all know that feeling won’t last forever.

But during this particular time span – as its more recent and rawest – it sucks!

Avoiding the Pity Party - top ten tortured moments - MelAROWE.com


It’s the most relatable, and most written moment in women’s fiction today. I’ve even written about it in my novel, Avoiding the Pity Party. It’s a romantic comedy that delicately dances between heartbreak and humour.

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I’m not going to give advice on this, and there are plenty of experts willing to help you through this time.

If this is a current event, my heart goes out to you.

For me, when suffering during that time, its a time for movies, music, and good friends.

So I offer the following:

For those currently going through the Breakup Blues, please allow yourself time to cope with the change.

Most of all – ‘be kind to yourself’.

Until Next Time, by Mel A ROWE

Mission Statement for Mel A ROWE

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