Radio made me do it

When this introvert, who is normally quite happy typing away all day does a rare radio interview.

My fault really, I’d been flying under the radio of local radio for so long until I sent in a random text message. The host was asking what we did during the latest Covid lockdown. Me, I bragged I’d made the finalists for ROMANTIC BOOKS OF THE YEAR. 

First, I never brag like this-unless to close friends, family and Facebook!

And the fact I was in range to actually text…

For the record, I didn’t text while driving. The passenger did it, so I blame her. The child made me do it.


“…so I blame her. The child made me do it. “


Radio Communicado

(Is that even a word?)

Of course, the radio people didn’t speak to me that day. We’d never left our names like we were some silly stalker. (That’s a facepalm moment!)

But they did text me back a few days later requesting to talk to me some more.

For a classic lurker to get vocal, umm… that never happens.



This was OH MY GOD…. Wringing my slippery sweaty hands while racing around the kitchen table a dozen times like a toddler on a sugar rush!

I’m not going to do it.

I wasn’t going to do it.

Why should I do it.

Did I have to do it.

Do I want to do it.

Could I not do it.

But I did it.

Last Sunday.


Topics discussed:

I don’t remember.

It went by in such a blur. I do know I was concentrating so hard, hoping my tongue didn’t swell and that I was speaking cohesive English.

Oh yeah, Die Hard was mentioned! Not as a Christmas Movie, but a romance.

How romantic. (And that’s another slap to the forehead moment too!)


Snap-on some headphones

Snap-on some headphones, load up on the ice cream, popcorn, or coffee. Heck, have ‘em all I say.

Then take a listen and laugh because I sound like I might know my mojo.


Did I hear your eye roll?


Much Gratitude

Thanks to you always!! Always. Because you took the time and dared to read this.

Many thanks to Jess Ong from ABC Radio Sunday and the amazing Daleen Jeemuang for the audio and kind words. To ABC Darwin radio, thanks for supporting locals and for the opportunity as not too many people in my own backyard know what I do.

Shh, don’t tell anyone and let’s keep this as our little secret!


Mel A ROWE, chief procrastionator, author, blogger.



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**All still images relating to this post’s topic are via the talented & fabulous photographers at via Thanks guys.

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