Have you ever noticed how nicknames become a part of relationships in life?

She inhaled deeply, basking in his manly aroma. His large palms cocooned her hands, staring deep into his eyes where the world around them no longer registered.

He leaned in closer and whispered the words, ‘my little blood-puddin!’

‘Huh?’ She blinked as if flushing out an eyelash.

His fingertip stroked her cheek, sharing a dreamy grin, he sighed. ‘You’re my little blood-puddin.’

Her eyes narrowed at him. ‘Fine. Peanut.’

His frown faltered. ‘But, I’m allergic to peanuts.’

‘Like I’m a vegetarian—babe!’

(90 words)

The above piece of Flash Fiction, somehow, ended up creating the topic for this conversation (and side venture into procrastination) for my blog.

So, buckle-up baby, it’s all about the nicknames…


How Nicknames Came To Be:

They say the birthplace of the nickname was when language was just human grunts echoing from caves.

Not much has changed, where the grunting is still heard amid name-calls, practised during live televised sporting events where today’s caves are nicknamed—mancaves.


Nicknames Are Everywhere

Sporting teams have them. Online gamers use them. Soldiers live by them. Pets have pet names for their roles played as pets. Err, confused?

Moving right along…

There are nicknames for eyes, water, money, death, food, stars and even the moon has one.

Parents, who not only name their children also give them nicknames, where these carefully curated titles are then later used as tools in sibling warfare.


Siblings using your nickname against you


Some places are universally nicknamed, like the Big Apple, just like many other local landmarks.

And don’t get me started on the slang of some countries… Hello, I’m an Aussie, we do it daily with everything!

The press does it as part of their headline creation of the news with their most popular fodder is for nicknaming politicians and bandits. (They’re the same thing, right?)


Parents give their children nicknames, where these carefully curated titles are then used as tools for sibling warfare.

How Are Nicknames Created

Nicknames can be the emotional bonding bridge that builds—or breaks—relationships. It’s a human habit considered both healthy or hurtful, originating from unique tics and quirks that become familiar. Or because you did something that will be forevermore your signature moment, which is usually your most embarrassing moment.

Some people live with their nickname for so long, their real name isn’t recognised… until they leave town.

And then the only time you hear your real name is when you’re in trouble—so you still might want to leave town.


petnames is a couples goal for many relationships

Nicknaming is a human habit considered both healthy or hurtful.

The Most Common Nicknames

The most common form of nicknames in Australia are the first names or surnames shortened or changed, such as:

  • James—Jim
  • William—Bill
  • Elizabeth—Liz or Lizzie
  • Barry–Bazza
  • Richard—Bob (go figure)
  • Margaret—Molly
  • Redheads—Ranga, Blue, Ginger


Nicknames At Work

Nicknames can be sweet—but they can also be sour.

Schoolyards are notorious for nickname creations where kids are so clever, yet so cruel.

Within a corporate environment, political correctness makes it easy to accidentally offend where few workplaces allow nicknames to be used anymore.

But there are exceptions to this rule, such as when there are two Bobs, Becky’s, and Bryans sharing the same office floor space.

Another classic is when a person’s surname is tricky to pronounce a nickname is sometimes born more out of necessity.


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Tradesmen can banter for days trying to find the perfect nickname for the new apprentices at a work site. It’s a big moment in the tradesman’s journey that can haunt them for the rest of their career!

Some examples are Boss, bro, Champ, eightball, Speedie, ya bloody tool, Hammer, bomber, Kicks, Jazz, the Wizard, the joker.

Bud is the shorter term for the buddy.

Mate—is handy and commonly used when you can’t remember a person’s name, then everyone’s your mate. Eh, mate?


Quote for Nicknames in Life blog

Nicknames can be the emotional bonding bridge that builds—or breaks—relationships.

Pet Names For Partners:

For some, Pet-names are a part of their relationship goals, created within the boyfriend-girlfriend stage. It normally occurs during that symbolic moment where their relationship is shifting to that next level.


Calling your partner Sweetheart?


Did you cringe the first time you heard your pet name?

Or did your heart expand with warm flowing rich goodness where you floated beyond the blue-moon?

Do you share nicknames with your soulmate?


Common loved-up-names are:

Honey, darling, lovie, sugar, sweetie, baby, babe, angel, cherub, doll, dollface, rascal, devil, duchess, princess, poppy, poppet, Punkin, lady, bitzy-boo, boo-boo, sunshine.


Pets that become pet names:

Kitten, stallion, frog, toad, ducky, squirrel, cocky, roo, possum, wombat, tiger, honey-bunny, bugsy.


AOD QT nicknames 12

The wife:

Wifey, ball and chain, the missus, the little woman, the boss.


What about the calorie counters:

Biscuit, nugget, noodles, sugar, buttercup, cream puff, sugar-plum, cookie, muffin, babycakes, sweetums, puddin’.


Nicknames Of Many For The One:

In one single day…

Your loving partner screams your nickname in the bedroom as the start to your day. Then, while at lunch, your mother calls you by your childhood nickname. After lunch, you return to the office where you work under another nickname given by co-workers.

But, it doesn’t end there…

After work, you show up to sports practice for the new season. There, you’re christened by the coach giving you another name cementing your spot on the team that’s repeated a dozen times at the celebration party.

At least you didn’t get benched. Phew!


How many nicknames have you had throughout your lifetime?

So, what would be the perfect nickname you could give yourself?

As a writer, I have the pleasure of not only naming characters but their nicknames. A lot are pet names, like Sweetheart, as the term of endearment in AVOIDING THE PITY PARTY. Sean has never said it before to anyone, but it feels right every time he uses it for the one his heart desires. Who? Find out HERE.

In the FOOTBALL WHISPER, “Z” is the nickname given by our hero and football superstar Brendan Ward. Who is Z? How does he come up with this name Z? Why? You’ll have to read the book to find out, then tell me if it suits the story?

Then there’s UNPLANNED PARTY where our heroine is an introverted party planner, Emm, who has a horrible nickname given by her sister. But Emma plots her revenge, so find out if she follows through or not, HERE.

In my Outback small town series, Elsie Creek, the Australian characters have nicknames for anything and everything. Some even have three nicknames, like Kat in The ART of DUST.

In MUSTER IN THE DUST, The hero, Rigsy (yes, that’s his nickname) call all sorts of people a tonne of nicknames until he finds the perfect ones. For the lady of his life her nickname is… well, you’ll have to read it and find out. But it’s perfect.

Somehow, I doubt it’ll be the last nicknames of my characters in the future, yet it makes them more real. Don’t you agree?



Mel A ROWE, chief procrastionator, author, blogger.



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Is there a nickname for life? by Mel A ROWE

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