Pre-Marriage Magic

Pre-Marriage Magic Blog by Mel A ROWE


We’ve all been to one, or many, mostly as guests to enjoy this big party-like celebration. But what about the wedding party, in particular, the bridal couple and the steps some take to ensure their day goes off with a hitch. 


Let’s start with traditions…

In the Torres Straits, there’s a tiny island that contains a small hut called Honeymoon Island. It’s where the Islanders, after a fabulous feasting ceremony, deliver newlyweds in a beautifully decorated boat to Honeymoon Island with a weeks’ worth of provisions. The couple remains there as the families return to the reception that has been known to run for days. (Good times.)

Aboriginals, dependent upon their skin, perform a ceremonial smoking for cleansing spirits as part of their marriage ceremony. Some have a traditional dance where the couple tosses stones into rivers for their union to be a part of their country’s story.

In Mexico, they create a doll with a replica of the bride’s gown to attach trinkets for luck.

Koreans have ducks at their ceremony to signify life-mates.

In Scotland, they do the Blackening of the bride  – basically, she gets covered in crap – similar to how a bride looks late into her bachelorette party.

Malaysians’ share hard-boiled eggs as gifts for guests to symbolise fertility.

In Spain, the groom gives his bride thirteen coins as symbols to show he’ll always provide for her.

Quote for Wedding traditions blog


Back home, after the ceremony, the men would block off the road from the church or wedding area, refusing to allow the newlyweds to pass until they give them all a drink… Yes, we’re talking Aussie men. I think it was their payback for digging around the back of their closets for a suit and for showing up in that suit.

I’m sure there are plenty more traditions still used today. 

Here are more traditions exposed in the video below:


But what about the dating stage to pre-engagement where a bride’s wishes to find her groom

And I’m not talking of the well-wishes found in Hallmark cards.

Nor touching on the tradition of arranged marriages either…

And let’s not discuss Tinder dating sites for the moment…


But what about (Insert drumroll here)


Love spells for marriage for those that are single…

Looking at the many myths for marriage, I came across a couple of myths for those to get married at a wedding. Huh? No, for those that are single at a wedding, wishing to get married can do the following at their next wedding… Okay, I’m confusing all of us now. For those that are single with marriage on their wishlist.

At the next wedding you attend, I’m sure we have all heard that whoever catches the bouquet or garter thrown by the bride will be the next to marry. Try it.

Remember to take some wedding cake home with you too if you’re a single woman. It’s believed sleeping with a slice of wedding cake under your pillow may allow you to see your future husband in your sleep. Swwweeet Dreams!

What if you wanted to marry that certain someone, and there was an ancient trinket that granted you your wish. What-if an exotic gypsy gave you a spell passed through the generations to find your soulmate?

Would you try a new tradition?

IN AVOIDING THE PITY PARTY the ex-bride dreams of wanting a crystal ball to see into her future love life, hoping to skip all the crappy parts.

In UNPLANNED PARTY, an introverted party planner, Emma, does her best to avoid all forms of Wedding planning, superstitions or myths–especially when it comes to weddings. Why? Well, you’ll have to read it to find out.

Then there was such a young woman who was given a chance to wish for something she’d dreamed of–Marriage! Did it work or did it become a nightmarish comedy of errors? Find out in STRANGERS STORM and it’s yours freeHERE.

Do you have any wedding traditions? Do share.

Until Next Time, by Mel A ROWE

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**All still images relating to this post’s topic are via the talented & fabulous photographers at  Thanks guys. 


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