Local Lingo—The Outback Swag

How can one little word have so many meanings? But for my stories, the word Swag I use is all about the outback Aussie swag that is a canvas sleeping bag, or a bedroll, that keeps a mattress inside. You dump it on the ground, undo the ties or zips and roll is out like a one-man tent, and that is how your bush-bed is made. How easy is that?

Basically, it’s a portable sleeping unit and a camping must-have that is tougher than a sleeping bag without the extra baggage you get from dragging around a tent.


So why a swag and not just the sleeping bag or tent?

Space. Convenience. Ease… and the list goes on.

Swags, when rolled up tight, can go anywhere. They’re tough enough to handle various extreme weather like the outback and can handle the red dust when stuck on the back of a ute following a convoy down a dirt track.

And they are easy to set up as they come with one or two clips, then you unroll it and your bush-bed is ready-made to sleep anywhere.


History of the Aussie SWAG:

Said to have originated from the transient workers back in the late 19th century, as a bedroll carried by swagmen that also contained all of their worldly possessions.


The Swagmen

Swagmen (swaggies) were travelling farmworkers, sheep shearers, walking from one job to the next.

Swagmen were also the nickname for Sundowners.


Waltzing Matilda

Is the immortalised swagman in the song written by Banjo Patterson. It is so well-known, many Aussies wanted it as their national anthem.

It’s about a swagman and his boiling Billy who gets into trouble for killing a landowner’s sheep and it’s rumoured to be based upon a complicated real-life love triangle!


Tips for making the swag your own:

I asked around from the blokes who dwell in the back shed the question, ‘what made their swag the best?’

Why them?

Coz there’s this guy thing, where they check out their mates’ latest gadgets from fishing rods to foldout chairs.

But the majority agreed that for camping, they simply grab their swag, the esky, a change of clothes and go. Food, beer and fuel they just pick up along the way.


So let’s unzip the Swag’s Specifics

They’re made from heavy-duty canvas sewn into a cocoon-like bag. It’s supposed to be longer than your body to slip over the top of your head and cover your toes.

Designed to keep your body heat inside your swag, they’re proven to be a lot warmer than a tent making them a blessing for those dewy desert mornings in the outback.

And that’s just the cover.


Swag Sizes:

Single is the more common type.

King single is considered to be even more commonly preferred for the room.

Doubles are perfect for the couples to share.


Inside the swag:

Again, based on personal choice by the blokes-in-the-know…

Most come with a Mattress that can be as thin as a yoga mat. Many seasoned swaggers get new mattresses made-up with fancy thicker foam mattresses.

Remember, you’re sleeping on the ground, so why not do it in style?!

Sleeping bags are a common accessory.

Here’s a tip from those seasoned swaggers:

Fill your swags with pillows, sheets, and doonas for those colder nights. It’s basically using all the comforts of your own bed at home that makes all the difference. Trust me, I could have sold my swag for a thousand dollars one night when camping along the bottom coast of WA… but that’s another story for another day.


Other meanings for the word Swag:

(to really confuse you)

Swag—is an acronym for “stuff we all get”. It’s the giveaway stuff commonly found at book-events, expos, conferences and even at the Oscars!!

Swag—is also a dress of a certain style or stylish confidence.

According to the Miriam Webster Dictionary, it can also mean booty taken by pirates!



Swag the word:

Swag the word even has a history, but not what you think…

Sources say it’s from Scandinavia meaning to sway.

Swagger—which suits the Scandinavian term is a walking style that has a sway.

Now you’ve got all of that allow me to confuse you some more…


Hip-hoppers and their Swagga!

Flip your hat on backwards and drag on all your jewellery coz the word Swag gotta make-over!

Swagga became popular by hip-hoppers during their rap-battle over who owned the word! True story.

There are tonnes of songs with Swag in them, yet a certain hip-hopper claims he invented the word that you can find in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. And we’re not talking about the bed, just the word. Right?

And a certain musical artist (who shall be re-named nameless) of this musical genre legally changed his name to SWAG!

While Will Ferrell has a shirt with his mugshot on and the word SWAG splashed across it. How’s that for selling his swag.

Swag is also a common nickname for a disgraced famous gamer.

Swag shooter is an android game.

To really roll away with the word, there are Swag bowling balls too.


Swag in furnishings:

So camping swags are beds, which is what started this whole blog post, but there are also…

Swag curtains—that is a sheath of material or a draping garland. Think of those huge sweeping curtains draped dramatically.

Floral swags— used for decorations and are commonly seen at weddings.

Swag lamps—are pendant style lamps that usually have a chain attached to them.

And I started this blog post just to talk about the simple SWAG for camping! Boy, didn’t I get off-track.



So swags have their superstitions too…

They’re pretty much the same as bedding superstations, so I was told by those close to their swags. Here’s a few…

Always have your feet facing the sunrise to greet the new day on the right foot—Ha!

Never sleep head downhill or you’ll suffer nightmares from the blood rush.

Always clear the ground underneath your swag so you don’t suffer like a princess in the pea with a stone stuck in your side.

Always roll-up your swag first thing in the morning to stop any creepy crawlies looking for a dark place to hide from the sun.

And making your bed also brings a great Chi to your day. Who knew you could Feng Shui your swag!

Hats on beds are not allowed, but yet it’s okay to do this on your swag if it’s still rolled, so this rule is laid to rest. Ha.


The bushies best swag:

If you want to buy one do check out the camping stores for reviews. There are various types available that range from simple to complicated pole-and-peg styles that are being created and tested all the time.

But the Swag must-have basics from the blokes (and those lovely ladies) who drag their swags everywhere all agreed it must be:


Warm (for Dry season weather)

Easy to set up


Tough enough to handle the terrain.


So why the story on the Swag?

I’ve written various scenes in my stories that contain swags. One particular scene generated a flurry of emails from overseas readers asking me, ‘what’s a swag?’

That scene…

The first chapter in CAKED IN DUST. And you can get it here! Free to read.

XMAS DUST also has a scene doing the same thing almost in the same place, in Elsie Creek—a series you can enjoy as a standalone story or binge on the books here.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to air out my swag and see if I can’t get it dirty this weekend.








Mel A ROWE, chief procrastionator, author, blogger.


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**All still images relating to this post’s topic are via the talented & fabulous photographers at https://unsplash.com/ via CANVA.com Thanks guys.

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